Serving Whether They Want It or Not

Scripture Reading: Mark 11:1-10


A. When Jesus entered Jerusalem on the week leading up to Passover, He was at the peak of His popularity.

B. It seems hard to imagine that this crowd would so quickly turn on Jesus, but He knew they would all along.

C. Jesus never let public opinion distract Him from His mission.


I. Jesus served the truth to His friends.

A. He spoke the truth among His disciples (Mark 11:12-14,20-26; 12:38-44; 13:1-2).

B. He spoke the truth to the common people (Mark 11:15-18; 12:37).

II. Jesus served the truth to His enemies.

A. He spoke the truth to the chief priests (Mark 11:17-34; 12:1-12).

B. He spoke the truth to the Herodians (Mark 12:13-15).

C. He spoke the truth to the Sadducees (Mark 12:18-27).

D. He spoke the truth to the Scribes (Mark 12:28-33).


A. Jesus rebuked the Jewish leaders in the strongest of terms (Mark 12:38-40; Matthew 23).

B. If we want to be servants like Jesus, we need to be willing to speak the truth not only when it is popular, but every time in every crowd (2 Timothy 4:1-4).

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