Scripture Reading: Mark 9:14-29
A. Have you ever done something for someone who didn’t fully appreciate your act of service because they didn’t understand what a sacrifice it required to make?
B. When we are obliged in our service to God to do things that are not properly appreciated, we need to serve like Jesus.
I. The Israelites shocked Jesus with their lack of faith.
A. They were constantly in need of a new sign (Mark 8:11); no demonstration was ever enough (Luke 11:14-16; John 2:11,23; 3:2; 6:14,30; 7:31; 9:16; 11:47; 12:37).
B. After all that Jesus did, there were still some who lingered in unbelief (Mark 9:22-24).
C. He often found greater faith among the heathen (Matthew 15:28; 8:10).
II. Sometimes the disciples’ faith didn’t seem any stronger.
A. There were still ignorant of Christ’s power (Mark 7:51-52; 8:1-10).
B. There were still ignorant of Satan’s power (Mark 8:14-21; 6:13).
C. They didn’t yet realize what it would take to overcome Satan (Mark 9:29; 8:27-33; 9:9-10,30-32).
A. When we become frustrated at others’ lack of faith, let us remember that the Lord felt the same frustration (Mark 9:19).
B. We should also remember that, when we are weak in faith, the Lord will suffer long with us and lift us up (Matthew 14:29-31).
C. Jesus is not only a servant to those who are strong, but also to those who struggle. That’s the kind of servant I need to be, too.