My Lord and My God: Portraits of Jesus in John - The Way, The Truth, and The Life (PM)

John 14:1-11


1. This portrait is oft despised in a world where all roads lead to heaven.

2.  This truth was despised in His day as well, but the truth is unchanged.


I. The Setting: Troubled Hearts

A. In John 13-16, Jesus prepared His disciples for His impending death.

B.  Several disturbing revelations strained their faith:

1.  There was a traitor amongst them (13:21).

2.  Jesus was going to a place where they could not follow (13:33).

3.  He would be denied as well as betrayed (13:36-38; Matthew 26:31-35).

 II. The Hope: A Place Prepared

A.  Faith is the catalyst to a steady heart (14:1).

B.  Notice the content of the faith He presented to them (14:2-4):

1.  He was going to prepare a place in the Father’s house (14:2).

2. He would surely gather them to Himself in that place (14:3).

3.  He assured them they knew the way to Him (14:4).

III. The Way, The Truth, and The Life

A.  Thomas was not convinced they could find their way (14:5).

B.  Jesus made three key declarations about His person (14:6):

1.  He is the way to God (John 10:9; Acts 4:12; Ephesians 2:18).

2.  He is the truth (Word) of God Who came in flesh (John 1:1, 14; 17:17; Ephesians 4:21; Colossians 2:2-3).

3.  He is the source of life (John 1:3-5; 20:30-31; 2 Peter 1:3-4).


1.  Troubling as His departure was it was essential (John 16:5-7).

2.  Jesus is the way to God because the truth of God was made known in Him, so it is by Him alone that we may have life with God.

3.  As He said, knowing Him is knowing the Father (14:8-11).

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