Faith that Doesn’t Work Doesn’t Work (AM)

James 2:14-26


1.      The Protestant Reformation grew out of a rejection of the Roman Catholic teaching of salvation by meritorious human works.

2.      Martin Luther’s reaction ultimately proved to be an overreaction, and now the majority believe faith is the only requirement for salvation.

3.      Truly, we are saved by faith, but not all faith is the saving kind of faith.

4.      James 2:14-26 presents three kinds of faith.


I.   Intellectual Faith (vv. 14-17, 26)

A.    This faith assents to the gospel facts but makes no behavioral changes.

B.    People often believe in the Lord but do not obey for:

1.      Fear/respect of men (John 12:42-43; Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21; Galatians 2:11-13)

2.      Love of pleasure/ease (Matthew 13:7, 22; 19:16-22; 2 Timothy 4:10)

II.    Intellectual-Emotional Faith (vv. 18-20, 26)

A.    This faith assents to the gospel facts AND has an emotional response.

B.    Nonetheless, there is still no change in behavior.

C.    The saving kind of faith can be seen (Mark 2:1-5).  

D.   This is a step beyond intellectual faith, but it brings one no closer to salvation than the demons (cf. Matthew 8:28-34).

III.   Intellectual-Emotional-Volitional Faith (vv. 20-26)

A.    Both types of faith named above are dead, according to James.

B.    Saving faith combines the intellect, emotions, and will of the believer.

C.    James described it as the cooperation of faith and works (vs. 22).

1.      Working together with= Gr. Sunergeo: English synergy: “to put forth power together with and thereby assist” (Thayer)

2.     Made perfect= Gr. Teleioo:  “to carry through completely, finish, accomplish, add what is yet wanting in order to render a thing full” (Thayer; cf. 2 Peter 1:3-11).


1.      We cannot do enough good works to earn our salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9).

2.      However, mindful, heartfelt, obedient faith is the saving kind of faith in the Bible (Romans 1:5; 16:25-26; John 13:36; Hebrews 3:18-19; 4:2, 6).

3.      “It’s not faith plus works or faith versus works but faith-works” (Edwin Jones).

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