Matthew 13:44-46
1. These parables stress the surpassing value of the kingdom of heaven.
2. One was not seeking treasure and found it while the other was looking and found the most precious of all.
3. In either case, we ought to lay hold of the kingdom at all costs.
I. Buried Treasure (Matthew 13:44)
A. The ancients often buried treasures for safe keeping.
1. Sometimes they died without revealing its location.
2. Our subject was not looking for treasure when he found this.
B. The two-fold thrust of the parable:
1. The kingdom of heaven is a treasure of the highest value.
2. It becomes the center of our affections (Matthew 6:19-20, 33; Ephesians 3:8; Philippians 3:7-8; Colossians 3:1ff).
C. In his exuberance, our subject sold everything to obtain it.
II. Costly Pearls (Matthew 13:45-46)
A. Again, the kingdom’s surpassing value is front and center.
B. This man was seeking any pearls when he found THE pearl!
C. This pearl’s value eclipsed that of all the others he had seen.
III. Heavenly Treasures (Matthew 6:19-21)
A. Kingdom living demands our all (Mark 8:34; Luke 18:18-28).
B. Grasping the surpassing value of the kingdom is the only way we will endure those demands.
C. As Jesus said, “…where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
1. We all value certain things above other things.
2. Most people value things of this earth-life supremely.
3. These parables reinforce the surpassing value of the kingdom.
4. Where is your treasure today?