Luke 1:39-45
1. Mary said all generations would call her blessed (Luke 1:48).
2. Why was she chosen to bear the only Son of God in the flesh?
I. Blessed Among Women
A. Twice Mary is said to be blessed among women (Luke 1:28, 42).
B. Blessed is a different term than in Matthew 5.
1. In Matthew, the term means happy or well off.
2. Here it means well spoken of or an object of favor.
C. Why would Gabriel call her favored of God? (Luke 1:28, 30)
II. The Cause of Her Favored Status
A. Five reasons Mary found favor with God:
1. She was submissive despite the risks (Luke 1:35-38; Matthew 1:18-20).
2. This demanded faith in and reverence towards God (Luke 1:45-55; Proverbs 3:5-6; Hebrews 11:6; Matthew 10:28).
3. She was spiritually minded (Luke 2:48-52; Colossians 3:1-3).
4. She urged others to trust the Lord as well (John 2:5).
5. She was loyal to the end and beyond (John 19:25; Acts 1:14).
III. Application for Today
A. Mary was another ordinary person whose genuine faith empowered her to do extraordinary things.
B. Trusting, unwavering, submissive faith will bring us into God’s favor as it did Mary (John 14:21, 23; 16:27).
C. Though none of us will birth the Son of God, we too may labor to bring forth sons of God (Matthew 28:18-20; Galatians 3:26-27).
1. Though the world may think little of you or me, if we trust and serve the Lord with Mary’s mindset, we will find favor with Him.
2. So, let us echo Mary and say, “Behold the Lord’s maidservant/manservant let it be so to me according to your word.”