James 3:13-18
1. We place a high premium on wisdom and understanding.
2. The Bible also encourages the pursuit of wisdom (Prov. 4:7-9).
3. The key for the child of God is to pursue the right kind of wisdom.
I. James’ Probing Question
A. “Who is wise and understanding among you?” (vs. 13).
1. Wise= Sophos: “learned, cultivated, expert” (Thayer)
2. Understanding= Epistemon: “intelligent, experienced” (Thayer)
B. Wisdom (or lack thereof) is demonstrated in one’s conduct.
II. Divergent Sources of Wisdom
A. Earthly wisdom= an “under the sun” mindset (Eccl.; Col. 3:1ff).
1. Sensual= “subject to appetite and passion” (Thayer); “occupied with mere animal things” (Mounce); (1 Cor. 2:14; 15:44-46)
2. Demonic= “proceeding from, resembling demons” (Zodhiates)
B. This is antithetical to the wisdom from above.
III. Divergent Products of Wisdom
A. Earthly wisdom fills one with:
1. Bitter envy (Rom. 12:15) 4. Deceit (1 Jn. 1:6-10)
2. Self-seeking (Phil. 2:3-4) 5. Confusion (1 Cor. 14:33)
3. Boasting (Gal. 6:14) 6. Every evil thing
B. The wisdom from above fills one with:
1. Purity (Matthew 5:8; Titus 1:15) 5. Mercy (2:13; Matthew 5:7)
2. Peace (Matthew 5:9; Galatians 5:22) 6. Impartiality (2:1-13)
3. Gentleness (Matthew 5:5; Galatians 5:22) 7. Genuineness (Romans12:9)
4. Willingness to yield, compliance 8. Righteousness (Ephesians 5:9)
1. Knowledge is the possession of facts.
2. Wisdom is the proper application and use of the facts one possesses.
3. One may lack knowledge and be filled with wisdom and vice versa.
4. May we always pursue the wisdom from above (Proverbs 3:13-18)