In the Shadow of the Apostles: To Rome (AM)

Acts 27-28


1. In this final walk in the shadow of the apostles, Paul will make Rome, though the journey will be quite precarious.

2. The overarching truth of these events is that God’s purposes cannot be thwarted, come what may (Job 42:2; Isaiah 55:10-11).


I. The Journey Begins (27:1-26)

A. Luke begins with a list of travelers on board (27:1-2; 276 total; 27:37).

B. After detailing several stops along the way, we see Paul warn of impending danger, but his counsel was rejected (27:9-12).

C. Clearly Paul expressed his perception (27:10) that their lives would be lost, not a revelation from God (23:11; 27:21-26).

D. Did God allow these things in order to fortify Paul and convince them?

II. Shipwrecked on Malta (27:27-28:10)

A. Events unfolded just as the angel told Paul they would (27:27-44).

B. Twice Paul’s life was in danger, and twice God delivered him.

1. The soldiers planned to kill the prisoners (27:42-44).

2. A deadly snake’s bite could not harm him (28:1-6; Mark 16:17-18).

C. Their interactions on Malta were amicable, as the people treated them quite well, and God performed miracles through Paul (28:2, 7-10).

III. Arrival and Ministry in Rome (28:11-31)

A. After a few more stops, Paul finally arrived in Rome (28:11-16).

B. As always, he began by reasoning with the local Jews (28:17-20).

C. As always, some embraced the gospel, but others rejected it with hardened hears, as Isaiah forewarned long ago (28:21-27; Isaiah 6:9-10).

D. With no time to waste, Paul moved on to more fertile soil (28:28-29).

E. He then spent a full two years on house arrest, preaching and teaching the gospel and writing four NT letters (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon).


1. Beyond knowing what happened, we desire to know why it matters.

2. The only thing that can restrain the gospel in our lives is ourselves.

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