Handle With Care (PM)

2 Timothy 2:10-15


1. Many things in life must be handled with care to avoid negative consequences.

2. While instructing Timothy, Paul warned him to handle the word of God with care.

3. This reality does not apply exclusively to preachers; it applies to every Christian.


I. The Context of the Commandment

A. Paul encouraged Timothy to press on his spiritual battle at all costs (2:1-3; 4:1-8).

B. Paul endured what he did that the elect may obtain salvation in Christ (2:10).

C. Timothy was to charge them not to waste time on meaningless conflict (2:14).

II. Rightly Dividing the Word

A. This required specific actions on his part to be prepared for the task:

1. Study/be diligent: Gr. spoudadzo= make haste, be diligent, speed

2. To present himself approved to God; His approval is the key.

3. Rightly dividing/ handling aright: Gr. orthotomounta: from orthos: straight and tomos: cutting meaning to cut straight

B. The energetic pursuit of God’s approval hinges on handling the word with care.

III. The Implications of the Word Taught

A. The broader religious world cares little about deviations from the word as evidenced by the ecumenical mindset that all roads lead to heaven.

B. This notion is to be rejected on many Scriptural grounds; we will ponder a few.

1. Freedom from sin is in the knowledge of the truth (John 8:31-32).

2. Sanctification is likewise in the truth, which is the word of God (John 17:17).

3. Grace, peace, life, and godliness are in knowledge of Him (2 Peter 1:2-4).

4. Paul summed this up in 1 Timothy 4:12-16, urging him to immerse himself in the word, guard himself and the doctrine as it will save him and his hearers.

C. Impart anything but the truth of the word, and there is no freedom from sin, sanctification, grace, peace, life, godliness, or salvation.


1. With such implications, how can we do anything but handle the word with care?

2. May God be true and every man a liar as we seek to be approved workers of God, knowing their unbelief does not nullify His faithfulness (Romans 3:4).

Further Food for Thought

1. Do you ever get discouraged while trying to cut the word of God straight?

2. How do you go about overcoming that discouragement?

3. How can we lift each other from such discouragement?

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