From Sinner to Saint: Impediments to Conversion Pride (AM)

Proverbs 16:18


1. Once we dispel our ignorance as we discussed last time, we are brought face to face with the changes Christ compels us to make (Luke 13:1-5).

2. Yet, the majority reject the understanding gained and remain lost in sin (Matthew 7:13-14).

3. This discussion addresses perhaps the greatest impediment to conversion.


I. Pride’s Dangers Declared

A. The Bible repeatedly warns of pride’s destructive power (Proverbs 6:16; 11:2; 16:18; 29:23; Romans 11:20-21; 1 John 2:15-17).

B. Pride destroys us by distorting our self-evaluation which prompts us to exalt self, degrade others, partake in forbidden pleasures, deny guilt, pass blame, etc.

II. Pride’s Dangers Exemplified

A. The Bible not only declares pride’s dangers, but it gives vivid examples (Romans 15:4).

1. Pride convinced Eve she deserved the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:6).

2. Pride drove Pharoah to refuse God’s demands to his kingdom’s ill (Exodus 5-14).

3. Pride caused Uzziah to live out his days as a leper (2 Chronicles 26:16-23).

4. Pride cost Nebuchadnezzar his kingdom, until he humbly bowed (Daniel 4).

5. A Pharisee’s pride kept him from God’s justification (Luke 18:9-17; cf. Matthew 7:1ff).

6. Pride blinded the Laodiceans to their spiritual bankruptcy (Revelation 3:15-19).

B. This list could go on for many pages, but surely, we all see the grave danger of pride.

III. Pride’s Dangers Averted

A. With such dangers in view, we must treat pride like a five alarm fire.

B. The answer is easy and hard: it is easy to understand, but it is hard to implement.

C. The only way we can stand before God is to fall down at His feet in humble submission (Matthew 18:1-4; Philippians 2:1-11; James 4:6-10; 1 Peter 5:5-7).

D. This demands proper self-evaluation if we are to conform to His will (Romans 12:1-3).


1. Pride is such an impediment to conversion as it distorts our perception of everything.

2. May we strive to uproot this perilous attitude and never yield to it again.

3. Our souls depend on it because the proud heart is immune to the gospel of Christ.

4. Every soul will be humbled one day, so let it be now, before we face Him in judgment.

Further Food for Thought

1. With pride being such a deceitful thing, how do you suppose we can guard against it?

2. How important is it to measure ourselves against the standard of Christ and not others?

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