Deadly Lies (PM)

Scripture Reading:  2 Corinthians 11:1–15


A.  Jesus identifies the devil as the father of all lies (John 8:44).

B.  Ever since Eve believed the serpent’s lie (Genesis 3:1–6), many people—even decent, honest, intelligent people—have believed his lies.


I.  Lies have never produced anything positive.

A.  Jacob didn’t anticipate the damage that his lie would cause to his family (Genesis 27:19, 41–45).

B.  One of Jacob’s children spent two years in prison because of a lie (Genesis 39:7–20).

C.  Deception cost Samson dearly (Judges 16).

D.  Acting on false conviction, Saul lost his sanity, his life, and his legacy (1 Samuel 18:6–12).

E.  A young prophet died because he believed a lie (1 Kings 13).

F.  Because he rejected God’s word, King Ahab died in battle (1 Kings 22).

II.  Satan still has plenty of lies circulating today.

A.  He will tell you there is no God (Psalms 14:1).

B.  He will tell you that the Bible doesn’t matter.

C.  He will tell you that it doesn’t matter how you live or how you worship (cf. Leviticus 10:1–2).

D.  He will say you don’t need to be baptized (cf. 1 Peter 3:21).

E.  He will tell you that God will not let anyone spend eternity in hell (cf. Matthew 25:41).


A.  We might deceive others, but we will never deceive God.

B.  If you have bought any of Satan’s lies, you can exchange them today for the truth that can only be found in God’s word.

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