Romans 8:1-5
1. So far in Romans, Paul has detailed our sin problem (1:18-3:20), God’s solution (3:21-5:21), and the means to obtain the blessings (6:1-23).
2. In chapter seven, he lamented the ongoing struggle with sin culminating with the desperate cry for deliverance from the body of death (7:24).
3. In chapter eight, he exclaimed victory over sin and death in Jesus.
I. The Law of Sin and Death
A. Some say this is Moses’ Law, but 7:7-14 seems to disagree.
B. Unforgiven sin brings death which seems to be the emphasis (6:23).
C. Paul was clear that we cannot escape this on our own (7:18-24).
II. The Law of the Spirit of Life
A. Nineteen of the thirty-one times Paul refers to the Holy Spirit in Romans occur in chapter eight.
B. Before coming to be in Christ (Romans 6:3-4), we all are subjugated by the law of sin and death and powerless to escape it on our own.
C. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ released us from that subjugation to live according to the Spirit (8:2-5; Galatians 5:16, 22-25).
III. The Escape from Condemnation in Christ
A. Thanks to the Spirit of life in Christ, the condemnation that is inherent to sin is removed (Romans 5:12; 6:23; cf. John 3:18-19; 5:24).
B. In Christ, we are empowered to set our minds on the things of the Spirit and live according to them (8:5; cf. Hebrews 9:13-14).
C. Moses’ Law could not bring justification due to human weakness (vs. 3; Galatians 5:3; Hebrews 7:18; 10:1-4), but in Christ we become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).
1. Romans 8 begins with no condemnation in Christ and ends with the assurance that nothing can dislodge us from God’s love in Christ (vv. 1, 39).
2. Thanks to the Spirit of life in Christ, we may rest assured that the law’s requirements are fulfilled in us, despite our deficiencies (vs. 4).
3. This is the power by which we may live for the Spirit and not the flesh.
4. As Paul said, “I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:24)