A Good Goodbye: Part 2 (PM)

(Sunday Morning & Evening)

Scripture Reading:  Acts 20:17-38


I.  Goodbye for an extended amount of time is not the most pleasant part of life.

II.  It is necessary, even required, when becoming a Christian (Matthew 16:24).

III.  Biblical examples of the difficulty of goodbyes are found in Genesis 42:38, Ruth 1:16. John 13-17; 19:25-27, and many others.

IV.  Finding the good in goodbye may seem difficult or even unreal, yet we can see good in Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:17-38.


I.  The good is in the life you live.

A.  Paul lived among the elders (vs. 18). 

B.  He lived a life of service to the Lord (vs. 19).

C.  His service was with humility, passion and endurance (vs. 19).

II.  The good is in the lessons you learn, and in the lessons you teach.

A.  Paul learned of Jesus (Acts 9:3-19).

B.  Paul learned from brethren (Romans 1:11-12; 1 Thessalonians 1:2-4)

C.  Paul taught all that was helpful (vs. 20-22; 27)

III.  The good is in the race you are running.

A.  Paul’s future in this life would be very difficult (vs. 23).

B.  Paul’s life was not dear to him (vs. 24).

C.  His desire was to finish his race with joy and to finish his ministry in the gospel (vs. 24)

IV.  The good is in the love you give.

A.  The word love is not found in this text, yet it is quite evident.

B.  Paul expects this to be the last time he will see them (vs. 25).

C.  Love will always warn others of impending danger (vs. 28-31).

V.  The good is in the sorrow you feel.

A.  Prayer is given by Paul in a kneeling position (vs. 36)

B.  This is a sorrow mainly about not seeing Paul again.

C.  They all wept freely.

D.  How fortunate to have someone that makes saying goodbye so hard.


There is a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance (Ecclesiastes 3:4). The sun is still shining above the clouds, and God is always in control.

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