The Valley of Dry Bones (PM)

Scripture Reading:  Ezekiel 37:1–14


A.  The valley of dry bones that God showed Ezekiel well portrays Israel’s situation at that moment in their history—seemingly without hope.

B.  Whereas Israel sees their situation as entirely hopeless (v 11), Ezekiel still trusts that God has the power to restore them (v 3).


I.  God promised Israel a new life (vv 1–14).

A.  God, who gave life in the beginning (Genesis 2:7), had the power to restore life (Ezekiel 37:8–10).

B.  God still possesses the ability to restore life to the perishing (Romans 6:4; John 5:28–29; 11:43–44).

C.  Some may think that they are past the point of recovery, but God says that they are not (1 Timothy 1:15–16).

D.  New life always begins with hearing the word of the LORD (Deuteronomy 8:3; Romans 10:17; John 6:63).

II.  God promised Israel new leadership (vv 15–25).

A.  This would not be like the leadership that got them into this disaster (Ezekiel 11:3; 13:1–8; 34:1–10).

B.  There would be one shepherd and one king (Ezekiel 34:22–23; 37:24).

C.  The promised king is reigning today (John 18:36).

III.  God promised Israel a new law (vv 26–28).

A.  It would be part of a “covenant of peace” (v 26).

B.  Under this covenant they would serve Jehovah alone (Jeremiah 32:26–40; Ezekiel 37:27–28).

C.  This new covenant would be everlasting (Ezekiel 37:26).


A.  God’s word can still give hope to the hopeless.

B.  If you will “hear the word of the Lord,” there is hope for you.

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