Reasons to be Thankful (AM)

Scripture Reading:  1 Chronicles 16:1–4


A.  Like Israel, we have so much to be thankful for, but unlike Israel, we ought always to use our blessings to glorify God.

B.  David penned a psalm of thanksgiving when the Ark of the Covenant arrived safely in Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 16:7–36).


I.  We can be thankful for all that God has done.

A.  Be thankful for His wonderful works (vv 8–9).

B.  Be thankful for His salvation (v 23).

C.  Be thankful for His covenant with us (vv 14–19).

D.  Be thankful for His judgements (vv 12–13).

II.  We can be thankful for all that God can do.

A.  Be thankful for His strengths (v 11).

B.  Be thankful for His protection (vv 20–22).

III.  We can be thankful for all that God is.

A.  Be thankful for His name (vv 10, 29).

B.  Be thankful for His greatness (vv 25–33).

C.  Be thankful for His goodness (vv 34–35).


A.  We can also be thankful that the God we serve is everlasting (v 36; Hebrews 7:25).

B.  We can be thankful that there is a place prepared for us in His house and that we will be with Him forever if only we will be faithful to Him here (John 14:1–4).

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