The Great Chasm Between the Head and the Heart (PM)

John 12:37-43


1. This discussion focuses on the necessity of moving from mere knowledge of the facts of the gospel to the actuation of those facts in tangible ways (cf. Luke 3:8).

2. For a host of reasons, we often have a disconnect between the head and the heart.


I. The Head and the Heart

A. For our purposes, we apply the modern distinction between the head ascertaining relevant facts and the heart applying the knowledge gained to our way of life.

B. People often gather sufficient facts to warrant conversion yet fail to live this out.

II. Demonstrations of The Disconnect

A. Biblical examples of this phenomenon abound:

1. Adam and Eve knew the facts but rebelled anyway (Genesis 2:17; 3:1-24).

2. Abraham lied about Sarah despite God’s promises (Genesis 12:1-3, 10-20; 20:1-18).

3. Later he tried to “help” God with the son of promise (Genesis 16-17).

4. Moses saw the burning bush but was resistant to the call (Exodus 3:1-4:17).

5. The people saw the Red Sea part yet questioned God’s integrity (Numbers 13-14).

6. Aaron knew the facts of the covenant yet molded the golden calf (Exodus 32).

7. Judah saw Israel fall yet followed the same destructive path (2 Kings 17:6-25:30).

8. Judas witnessed all that Jesus had done, yet he betrayed the Lord anyway.

9. Many Jewish authorities knew Jesus’ identity yet failed to follow (John 12:37-43).

B. How many well-versed Bible students know the facts but live in rebellion and apostasy?

III. Necessary Elements for Actuation

A. How do we move from head knowledge to yielded devotion?

B. Abraham is an excellent test case in actuating faith.

1. First, he kept coming back to God in the wake of his failures.

2. Second, he proved to be pliable in heart, accepting and implementing the corrections.

3. Finally, he developed a clear view of the big picture of reality (Hebrews 11:17-19).

C. All this demonstrates a steady cultivation of the soil of his heart (Matthew 13:1-8, 18-23).


1. Satan will use every tactic he can to maintain the disconnect between the head and heart.

2. Like Abraham, we must come to know God better and allow such to mold our hearts.

Further Food for Thought

1. Do the examples above seem to indicate that there may be different kinds/levels of faith?

2. How does this concept impact your concern for self-examination in daily life?

3. What are some ways we might help one another to actuate our faith into tangible deeds?

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