Keeping the Christ in Christian: Boldness (AM)

Matthew 10:34-39


1. If you asked people to name characteristics of Jesus, His kindness, compassion, love, forgiveness, meekness, etc. would likely top the list.

2. Few would name His boldness in this poll, yet it is one of His primary attributes.

3. As such, it is imperative that “little Christs” boldly do the work He has given us.


I. Examples of Jesus’ Boldness

A. In His first recorded words, Jesus commanded repentance (Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15).

B. The entire sermon on the mount is a refutation of Pharisaic traditions (Matthew 5:20).

C. He ministered to outcasts despite opposition (Matthew 9:9-12; Mark 2:14-17).

D. He drove out those who misused God’s temple (John 2:13-22; Matthew 21:12-13).

E. He refused to be intimidated by Herod, though he killed John (Luke 13:31-35).

F. He openly confronted the scribes and Pharisees’ hypocrisy (Matthew 15:1-14; 23:1-36).

G. This list could go on and on, but this sufficiently illustrates His boldness.

II. The Source of Jesus’ Boldness

A. Doing right in the face of opposition takes a great deal of courage.

B. Such courage demands a driving principle greater than one’s fleshly security.

C. John 2:17, citing Psalms 69:9 gives the source of His boldness; Jesus took their debasing God’s house for materialistic purposes personally.

D. His Father’s will overruled all other concerns (Matthew 26:36-46; John 5:30; Hebrews 12:2-3).

III. The Imperative of Boldly Serving Jesus

A. Jesus set an example of suffering for righteousness we must follow (1 Peter 2:21-25).

B. He made it clear that His disciples should expect to face the same hostilities He did as “…a servant is not greater than his master” (John 15:18-23; cf. Matthew 10:34-39).

C. Salvation demands we endure to the end (Matthew 10:21-22; Mark 13:13; Revelations 2:10).

D. So, come what may, we must soldier on in His service (2 Timothy 1:7-12; 2:3; 4:5-8).


1. The boldness of Jesus does not diminish His other characteristics in the least.

2. Only the gospel can save the soul, so we must boldly proclaim it (Acts 20:26-31; Romans 1:16-17; 3:23; 6:23; 10:13-17; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; 1 Timothy 4:16; Hebrews 12:14; Jude 3, 22-23).

Further Food for Thought

1. Why do you suppose people tend to either be bold or kind, rather than both?

2. How do we boldly yet tactfully proclaim the gospel? (Colossians 4:5-6)

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