Matthew 5:1-12
1. In this lesson, we will ponder the foundational principles set forth at the opening of Jesus’ famed sermon on the mount.
2. Considering the radical reorientation necessary to living the kingdom life in what follows, it is imperative to have hearts prepared to bend at His will.
I. The Primary Aim of the Sermon
A. It is not difficult to pin down Jesus’ overarching aim in this sermon.
B. Eight times Jesus referenced terms of entry into/continuance in, or blessings associated with the kingdom of heaven (5:3, 10, 19-twice, 20; 6:10, 33; 7:21).
II. Characteristics of a Kingdom Citizen
A. The repeated refrain, “You have heard it said, but I say to you…” informs the listener/reader that the kingdom ethic is unlike the traditions of the day.
B. Matthew 5:20 shows much of it to be countering the ways of the scribes and Pharisees.
C. The characteristics of the beatitudes run counter to all worldly standards.
D. While the world favors pomp, pride, and self-aggrandizement, the Lord favors the poor, mournful, meek, merciful, peacemaking soul hungering and thirsting for righteousness.
III. The Truly Blessed Life
A. The Greek term translated blessed here indicates more than just receiving good things; this term’s true significance may best be captured with the translation fortunate or favored.
B. This accords with the promises in the context: reception of the kingdom, inheritance of the earth, spiritual hunger and thirst filled, mercy obtained, seeing God, etc.
C. The heavenly, eternal view of things explains Jesus’ otherwise baffling statements calling those who suffer persecution for righteousness’ sake blessed/fortunate 5:10-12).
1. The world has a twisted view of blessedness which stimies kingdom living.
2. Armed with the proper view of the truly blessed life in the beatitudes, we are ready to receive the challenging ethics of the kingdom of heaven.
3. Without these, we are sure to reject the principles kingdom living demands of us.
Further Food for Thought
1. Which of these characteristics do you find the most difficult to actuate in your life?
2. Do you find internal or external factors to be a greater hindrance to fully embracing these?
3. What can you change in your life to mitigate these challenges, internally or externally?