trusting God

Trust and Obey

Introduction A. When everyone else lets us down, it is even more comforting to know that we can always trust in God (Psalm 22; Job 13:15). B. It is easy to say we trust God when all is well, but it is during the trying times that we learn how much we really trust Him. I. Why should we trust God? A. We should trust Him because He never fails or forsakes (Joshua 23:14; 1 Kings 8:56; 1 Samuel 12:22; Psalm 9:9-10). B. We should...

Trusting God to Supply Our Needs

Introduction In a time when the economy is fragile and Social Security is nearing bankruptcy, we need to keep in mind the fact that God is really the One Who provides for us. I. God knows and provides our physical needs. A. God provides for the flowers and the fowl (Matthew 6:26-31). B. Even in lean times He has always satisfied His children’s basic needs (Exodus 16:14-24; Genesis 45:5; 1 Kings 17:1-16). C. We must...

Trusting God to Keep His Word

Introduction A. Unlike those who serve Him, our God is always faithful (Lamentations 3:23; 1 Corinthians 10:13). B. We can always know that God will keep His promises to us. I. God has never failed to keep His word. A. He kept His word to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-7; Numbers 1:46). B. He kept His word to Israel (Joshua 23:15-16). C. He kept His word to the saints of the early church (Matthew 26:32; 28:10; Revelation...

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