preaching the Gospel

Not Ashamed

Introduction A. There are times when taking a stand for the truth isn’t easy to do. B. If we are not fully convicted, we will give in when the least pressure is applied, but when we surrender fully to it, nothing could ever induce us to give up or be ashamed. A. Paul was not ashamed (Philippians 1:16; 2 Timothy 1:6-18; 4:1-8). B. Neither was Peter (Acts 4:5-21; 5:41; 1 Peter 4:16). A. Though some might mock the Gospel (Acts 17:32), it is true...

Why We Persuade Men

Introduction A. Why would a man repeatedly jeopardize his own life in order to take this message to people who apparently did not want it? B. People still do not understand what compels us to preach the Gospel to a world that thinks it has no need for it. I. We persuade men because of the “terror of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:11). A. If we refuse to persuade men, they have no hope (Romans 10:14). B. If we refuse to persuade men, we have no hope...

Not Done in a Corner

Introduction A. As a man whose heritage was largely Jewish and whose family had ruled the Jewish people for many years, he was indeed “expert in all customs and questions” about the Jews (vs. 3). B. When Paul tells Agrippa that these things “were not done in a corner” (vs. 26), what does he mean by this? I. God had been announcing these things for centuries. A. Paul was only declaring what the prophets of God...

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