Good News

The Greatest News Ever Told

Introduction A. The message that angels delivered one night to shepherds in Bethlehem was just too good to keep to oneself (Luke 2:8-18). B. Lest we become discouraged when people turn a deaf ear to the Gospel, we need to remind ourselves of what good news it is! Discussion I. It is good news because it offers a remedy for our problem. A. The real problem with the world today is sin (Romans 3:23; Isaiah 53:6). B. It is a terrible thing...

Why We Persuade Men

Introduction A. Why would a man repeatedly jeopardize his own life in order to take this message to people who apparently did not want it? B. People still do not understand what compels us to preach the Gospel to a world that thinks it has no need for it. I. We persuade men because of the “terror of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:11). A. If we refuse to persuade men, they have no hope (Romans 10:14). B. If we refuse to persuade men, we have no hope...

What Is the Gospel?

Introduction A. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to listen to Paul preach, Acts 13 is a great source. B. In this sermon Paul talks about the “Good News,” the Gospel. What does this sermon tell us about the Gospel we preach? I. The Gospel is positive. A. These are encouraging words (vss. 15,45,48). B. The Good News constituted the fulfillment of ancient promises (vss. 32-37). C. The Good News was...

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