Reasons for Hope: The Discipline of God (PM)

Hebrews 12:5-14


1. This may be the most difficult reason for hope to understand and embrace.

2. It is never pleasant at the time we are being disciplined, but properly understood, it is one of the greatest of God’s gifts and our reasons for hope.


I. The Relationship of Discipline

A. People nearly universally consider struggles as negatives.

B. Hebrews associates it with the father/child relationship highlighting that without discipline, we are not His children at all (12:5-8; Proverbs 3:11-12; 13:24).

II. The Reason for Discipline

A. In the argument, we see the purity of God’s intentions with His discipline.

B. The writer contrasts the discipline of their earthly fathers with that of the Father:

1. Earthly fathers discipline children as they deem best (12:10a).

2. His discipline is for our good (12:10b; Deuteronomy 6:24).

III. The Results of Discipline

A. His discipline is for our good in the most significant of ways.

1. As seen above, it is the sign that we are His beloved children.

2. Subjection to the Father of spirits leads to eternal life (12:9).

3. This is so because it enables us to share His holiness (12:10c, 14; 2 Peter 1:4).

4. The result of its training is the peaceable fruit of righteousness (12:11; Deuteronomy 6:25).

B. A host of other passages reaffirm this reality (Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:6-7).

IV. The Reaction to Discipline

A. With so much to gain from the discipline of the Lord, we must react properly.

B. Rather than despise His discipline and grow weary, we must allow it to shape our lives while we look to the eternal rewards it brings (James 1:12; 5:7-11).


1. Though not as easy to discuss as the patience of God, the resurrection of Jesus, etc., the discipline of God truly is a blessing of God.

2. Though we enjoy our times of ease, let us appreciate our times of struggle.

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