Life in the Trenches: Diversions (AM)

2 Timothy 2:4


1. As with discouragement, diversions are a versatile weapon of Satan’s warfare.

2. There are so many things in this world, many of which are benign in and of themselves, that can keep us from maturing spiritually.

3. We must recognize this danger and be prepared if we are to avoid it.


I. The Danger of Diversions

A. In the field of battle, any number of things can go wrong.

B. A tried-and-true military tactic is the ambush wherein a diversionary force draws the attention of the enemy allowing the main force to attack the blindside (Joshua 8).

C. By the time the defensive force realizes what is happening, it is too late.

D. Satan can use most anything to ambush us, leading to eternal destruction (2 Samuel 11; Matthew 23:23-24; Luke 8:7, 14; 9:57-62; 1 Timothy 6:9-12; 2 Timothy 4:10).

II. The Call to Remain Focused

A. The reason military training is so intense is to promote discipline by sharpening the senses (Hebrews 5:11ff), searing diligence into the soldier’s mind.

B. Paul told Timothy to immerse himself in the things of God for the sake of his soul and that of his hearers (1 Timothy 4:12-16; cf. 2 Timothy 2:15).

C. This is impossible if we get caught up in the worldly things (2 Timothy 2:4).

III. The Motivation to Remain Focused

A. Obviously, the self-preservation instinct should motivate us (2 Peter 3:14-18).

B. The way to preserve self is to give up selfish pursuits and focus on pleasing the Commander who enlisted us (2 Timothy 2:4; Luke 9:23-27).

C. The reciprocal love between the Lord and His people will drive us to be good soldiers of the cross (John 14:15, 23; 2 Corinthians 5:14).


1. Life can be so distracting, but we must maintain our focus on the objective.

2. Thankfully, we can take the name of Jesus with us everywhere we go (Matthew 28:18-20).

3. However, we must make sure we are prepared to defend it as we go (2 Peter 3:15).

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