Jesus and the Angels (AM)

Scripture Reading:  Acts 7:51–53


A.  It seems that man’s curiosity about angels is much greater than what God has chosen to reveal about them.

B.  Although angels have certainly played an important role in God’s plan for redeeming man, they cannot begin to compare with Jesus.


I.  Angels have played a significant role in God’s plan.

A.  Angels are “ministering spirits” (Hebrews 1:14).

B.  Angels have been employed by God both to rescue (Daniel 6:22) and to destroy (1 Chronicles 21:15), and also to deliver important messages (Judges 6:7–16; Matthew 28:5).

C.  Although the modern-day activity of angels has not been revealed to us, we should take comfort in knowing that they are on our side in our struggle (cf. Acts 12:7–11; Matthew 18:10).

II.  How does Jesus compare with the angels of God?

A.  On earth, Jesus received assistance from the angels (Mark 1:13; Luke 22:43; cf. Matthew 26:53).

B.  When He came to earth, Jesus made Himself temporarily lower than the angels (Hebrews 1:9; Philippians 2:7).

C.  Jesus is greater than all the angels that heaven can boast (Hebrews 1:5–6, 13; 2:2–3).


A.  As great and powerful as God’s angels are, there are none that merit our adoration like Jesus does.

B.  If the mightiest angels will not escape God’s judgment (2 Peter 2:4), neither will we. Make it your decision to follow Jesus!

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