Jars Don't Break (PM)

By:  Dennis Pierce

Scripture Reading:  2 Corinthians 4:1-7


A.  Paul refers to a treasure in earthen vessels.

1.  Earthen vessels or clay jars are fragile and if used will be scratched & scarred.

2.  We all have scars and scratches (emotional & physical).

B.  An understanding of 1 Corinthians is necessary to understand 2 Corinthians.

1.  Paul is defending himself against his accusers in much of 2 Corinthians. 2 Corinthians 2:17-3:1; 10:10-11; 11:4-6, 13-15

C.  Paul writes about the stress he was under. 2 Corinthians 7:5

1.  2 Corinthians 4 reveals how Paul was able to withstand the pressure.

2.  We are the container for the most precious treasure on earth.

3.  How can we be jars that don’t break?


A.  Attitude (4:1, 7)

1.  We have. (Christians are the “haves”, not the “have nots”.)

2.  We received mercy.

3.  We faint not.

B.  Commitment to Truth (4:2)

1.  We are not going to quit but we are going to renounce dishonesty, craftiness, and deceit.

2.  Truth needs to be made known to every man’s conscience.

3.  God sees all.

C.  Understand how the gospel is hidden. (4:3-4)

1.  The gospel is hid to the lost.

2.  The god of this world blinds more than the eyes.

3.  If Satan does not blind people the glorious gospel will shine through.

D.  Appreciate the gospel of Jesus Christ as a treasure. (4:5-7)

1.  We preach Christ as Lord and ourselves as servants.

2.  The glory of God is in the face of Jesus.

3.  The power is in God, not us.


A Clay jar can be broken, but not if properly protected. The protection does not involve hiding away so no one can get to it. The treasure within is to be shared with all the world, Mark 16:15. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Matthew 5:13.

May we ever be aware of the treasure we have, the forces that threaten it and maintain a commitment to its purity.

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