Coming Home (AM)

Scripture Reading:  Luke 15:20–24


A.  In the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz, all that Dorothy had to do to go back home was to click her heels together.

B.  When a child of God wanders away from home, God has provided a way for us to come home again.


I.  Nothing is the same when you leave home.

A.  Many people choose to leave home without realizing what they are leaving behind (Psalms 137; Luke 15:11–32).

B.  Upon our return, we often find that home has changed since we left it (Nehemiah 1:1–11).

II.  Our heavenly home is quite different from our earthly homes.

A.  God’s resources can never be exhausted (cf. Luke 15:31).

B.  Our heavenly home will never decay (2 Corinthians 5:1).

C.  In our heavenly home, loved ones never die (Revelation 21:4).

III.  If you have strayed, home is just three short steps away!

A.  Like the prodigal (Luke 15:17), you must realize that you have left something behind that you need.

B.  You must repent of your sins and turn your heart to the Lord (Luke 15:21; Nehemiah 1:6).

C.  Finally, you need to come to God and pray for His forgiveness (Luke 15:19; 1 Kings 8:47; Acts 8:22).


A.  Have you wandered away from home and forfeited the marvelous inheritance that the Father has promised to His children?

B.  No matter how far you have gone away from Him, the Father is waiting anxiously for your return (2 Peter 3:9)!

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