Hebrews 3:12-13; Jeremiah 6:15; Revelation 3:14-22
1. With our primary objective of conforming to Christ’s image and the three key marks of a true disciple fresh in mind, we will ponder some things that stunt this growth.
2. Some of these come from within ourselves, and others come from outside forces.
I. The Deceitfulness of Sin (Hebrews 3:12-13)
A. The secular world’s glamorization of sin confirms the deceitfulness of sin.
B. The church is not immune to this and perhaps more forcefully confirms this.
1. I have witnessed overt, public sin go unchecked in various congregations.
2. I have seen brethren post pictures of their sins online for all to see.
3. I know preachers whose elders warned them not to preach on certain sins.
4. I know preachers who got fired for doing their job (2 Timothy 4:1-4; Colossians 4:5-6).
C. I fear these have had their hearts hardened by sin’s deception (Hebrews 3:13; Jeremiah
D. We cannot abide in Him and in sin simultaneously (1 John 1:5-7; 2:4-6, 28-29; 3:4-9).
II. The Destructive Force of Apathy (Revelation 3:14-22)
A. When Jesus addressed the church at Laodicea, He sharply condemned them with the threat of spewing them out of His mouth (Revelation 3:16).
B. Without reading the text, one would naturally ask, “What did they do?”
C. The context reveals that the Laodicean problem was not one of commission, but it was a matter of omission (Revelation 3:14-15, 19).
D. One key reason was their sense of self-sufficiency, a temptation we face today (3:17).
E. Jesus’ solution was for them to snap out of their apathetic stupor, see their poor condition, and take hold of the spiritual provisions He alone can supply (3:18-22).
1. The solution to these growth stunters is the same today as it was then.
2. We must exhort one another daily, recognizing what is at stake (Hebrews 3:13-14).
3. May we always stir one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24), so we may maintain our zeal for the Lord and win the war against the deceitfulness of sin.
Further Food for Thought
1. Do you struggle with lingering temptations or a faltering zeal for the things of God?
2. How can we as brothers and sisters better build one another up to conquer these battles?
3. What can you do right now to help facilitate this kind of culture in the congregation?