Why I Left the World (AM)

By Dennis Pierce

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 4:18-22


A.  We use the word, “left,” in many ways:

1.  I was left in the dark or out in the cold; I was left stranded; He is out in left field; They left it all on the field; Some things are better left unsaid; etc. 

B.  You also find the word used throughout the Bible:

1.  In Deuteronomy it is often said turn not to the right or to the left; Matthew 6:33 says not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing; Revelation 2:4 says thou hast left thy first love; Matthew 24:40-41 says that one shall be taken and the other left.

C.  Twice it is used in our text to inform us of things these early disciples gave up to follow Jesus.

1.  Peter and Andrew left their nets and followed him.

2.  James and John left the ship and their father and followed him.

D.  We learn great lessons from Bible characters who gave up something to follow God.

1.  Abraham, Moses and Jesus are all examples of leaving something to obey God. (Genesis 11-12; Hebrews 11:25-27; John 6:38)

2.  We are told in Matthew 16:24 of what is necessary for us to follow Christ.

E.  Statistics show that more people today are claiming to have no association with any religious group.

1.  People are leaving the church in large numbers and some are eager to tell us why.

2.  You can find numerous articles from folks, explaining why they have left the church.

3.  In most of these articles, those leaving are not just moving membership to another congregation, but are no longer interested in the church at all.

F.  The church as established by God is perfect and exactly the way He wants it. (Matthew 16:18)

G.  It is readily admitted that the church from a human standpoint can improve and become better at evangelism, benevolence, etc., but you cannot leave the church without leaving Christ because it is His body. (Colossians 1:18)

H.  Are people writing about why they left the church because they want others to do so or are they simply wanting to justify themselves to others?

I.  Perhaps if some would step back and ask the question, “Why I left the World,” they would be less likely to leave God and then write articles entitled, “Why I left the Church.”


I.  I left the world because of who called me. (4:18,19,21)

A.  This is not some unknown person to these disciples.

1.  Jesus had healed Simon’s mother in law. (Lk. 4:39)

2.  Jesus had performed a miraculous catch of fish. (Lk. 5:4-9)

B.  We have abundant evidence for who Jesus is.

1.  Jesus fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament prophecies.

2.  His miracles are recorded that we might believe. (Jo. 20:30-31)

3.  Secular historians confirm that Jesus lived when the Bible says He did.

C.  Verses 18 & 19 say that Jesus saw these brethren.

1.  Jesus was looking for them.

2.  He is looking for us. (Revelation 3:20)

D.  This calling from Jesus is described as a “high calling” in Philippians 3:14.

1.  The song, “Who at the Door is Standing,” reminds us of the sweet tones of the voice of Jesus, patiently, faithfully and persistently pleading to be let in.

II.  I left the world to be a part life’s greatest purpose.

A.  I will make you fishers of men. (4:19)

1.  Matthew does not give all the information that is found in Luke’s account but he seems to be focused upon the men being called.

2.  These men were working when called.

a.  Peter and Andrew were casting a net into the sea.

b.  James and John were mending their nets.

3.  They had work to do for their families.

a.  Zebedee, the father of James and John, was with them.

4.  But following Christ would be greater than anything else.

B.  Following Christ is the way to become a fisher of men. (4:19)

1.  His purpose in coming to this world was to seek and to save the lost. (Luke 19:10)

2.  The parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost boy, in Luke 15, are to emphasize the value God places upon the lost.

C.  When this work becomes the purpose for living, the joy and peace passes all understanding.

1.  There is nothing that touches the heart strings more than witnessing someone bringing to Christ their broken life.

2.  I left the world to be a part of life’s greatest purpose.

III.  I left the world because of what it cost.

A.  These disciples left all to follow Christ. (Mark 10:28)

B.  Nothing worth having comes without effort.

1.  There are things to give up to follow Christ.

2.  Jesus said, in Luke 9:62, that no man having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of heaven.

3.  This was said to a prospective disciple who wanted first to say good-bye to those in his home.

4.  Jesus expects first place in our life.

C.  “You get what you pay for,” is an expression we have heard many times.

1.  While it is true that there is cost in following Christ, nothing that we ever will do could pay for our sins.

2.  Philippians 2:7 teaches that Jesus emptied himself and became a servant.

3.  He paid it all and when it comes to salvation, “You get what He paid for.”

IV.  I left the world because of the urgency to do so.

A.  These brothers immediately left what they were doing. (vs 20 & 23)

B.  Matthew experienced this same immediate response to Jesus. (Matthew 9:9)

C.  Now is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2)


Leaving the world requires constant attention to the reason why and the value of doing so. I need to remind myself that I have decided to make Jesus the center of my whole life.   “…old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

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