We are Well Able - We are not Able (PM)

Scripture Reading:  Numbers 13:30-31


I.  All major countries of the world have spies whose primary function is to provide national security by gathering information.

II.  We learn many things from the spy story in Numbers 13 and 14.

A.  The promise land truly flows with milk and honey.

B.  With God all things are possible.

C.  Joshua and Caleb are great examples of faith in God.

D.  God is angered by grumbling and complaining.

III.  The 12 spies were on an intelligence gathering mission. (Numbers 13:17-25)

IV.  Caleb and Joshua reported that they were well able to take the land while the others said, “we are not able.” (13:30-31; 14:6-9)


I.  We are well able to enter heaven because of God’s promise. (2 Timothy 2:11-12)

A.  God said in Numbers 13:2, “Send men to spy out the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the children of Israel…”

B.  Joshua and Caleb knew they were able because God was on their side. (14:6-9)

C.  Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ..”

D.  Some say they are not able because they doubt God.

II.  We are well able because we know to be courageous. (13:20b)

A.  The spies went throughout the land. (13:28-29)

B.  Joshua said, “Do not fear them.” (14:9)

C.  Some said they were not able because the enemy was too strong.  (13:31)

D.  Many today fear they cannot be faithful.

III.  We are well able because we know when and how to retreat. (13:20)

A.  When Jesus heard of the death of John he departed. (Matthew 14:13)

B.  The road is long and we need time to meditate, pray and study. (Psalm 63:6-7; 2 Timothy 2:15; Philippians 4:6)

C.  Some say, “I am not able to study and don’t know how to pray.”


Would you just look at these grapes! (13:23)

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