Unlikely Converts (PM)

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 28:16–20


A.  In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded His disciples to preach the gospel to “all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

B.  The gospel has the power to change the hearts of even those we would never suspect to be willing to obey it.


I.  Who would have thought that Saul would obey the gospel?

A.  It must have been the last thing the high priest expected when he sent Saul to Damascus (Acts 9:1–2).

B.  It is apparent that Ananias didn’t expect it (Acts 9:10–14).

C.  The people of Damascus didn’t expect it (Acts 9:18–22).

D.  The Jews of Jerusalem didn’t expect it (Acts 9:26).

II.  Who would have expected the priests to obey the gospel?

A.  The chief priests clearly didn’t believe that there could be believers of Jesus in their ranks (John 7:47–52).

B.  The rulers had determined to cast any professing believers out of the synagogue (John 12:42–43; 9:22).

C.  As the church grew, however, “a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith” (Acts 6:7).

III.  There are several other examples of unlikely conversions.

A.  There were some people in high places who were converted (Philippians 4:22; Acts 13:7–12; Acts 18:8).

B.  Converts were made in wicked places (Acts 18:10).


A.  Paul was willing to share the gospel with anyone, whether he believed they would believe it or not.

B.  When we judge someone unfit to hear the gospel, we are ignoring Jesus’ command to “preach the gospel to every creature.”

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