Two Kings

by Roby Ellis

[Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:1-12]


A. In this chapter we see two kings: Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great, and Jesus, Son of David and Son of God.

B. These two kings would meet face-to-face in Jerusalem in a short time, but for now Matthew sets them side-by-side, offering us an opportunity to compare and contrast them.


I. The most obvious difference between these kings lies in their interaction with their subjects.

A. One king blocked the multitudes out (Matthew 14:23); the other King welcomed them (vss. 13-16).

B. One king feared the people (vs. 5); the other King fed them (vss. 16-21).

C. One king wished to appease them in order to keep his throne (vs. 5); the other King willingly offended them and rejected the crown they offered (vs. 23; John 6:15).

II. There are, however, a few similarities between these kings.

A. In different senses, both ruled Galilee (Luke 3:1; cf. Matthew 8:26; 14:17-21,25; Luke 5:1-8).

B. Both granted a request (Matthew 14:8-11,30).

C. Both were troubled (Matthew 14:1-2,31; John 6:26-27,66).


A. One king was weak, and the Other strong: this is the paradox of their confrontation in Jerusalem (Luke 23:11).

B. One king was destroyed by Caesar, but the other King was exalted and given the name above every other (Philippians 2:9-11).

C. You and I will spend eternity with one of these two kings. Which one will you choose?

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