The Vision of Restoration (AM)

Scripture Reading:  Jeremiah 6:16


A.  When the Pharisees questioned Jesus on a doctrinal issue, Jesus took them all the way back to the beginning (Matthew 19:1–6).

B.  Over the centuries there have been many notable attempts at spiritual restoration (2 Kings 18; 22–23; Nehemiah 8), but is the goal of restoration even reasonable in the modern day?


I.  What is restoration, and why is it necessary?

A.  Any time God’s children have gone astray, His message to them has always been the same: “Return!” (Deuteronomy 30:1–3; 1 Samuel 7:3; Jeremiah 3:1; Hosea 6:1; Joel 2:13; Zechariah 1:3; Malachi 3:7).

B.  The goal of Christianity has never been to start something brand new, but rather to restore something that is old (Matthew 5:17; Acts 2:16, 30; 3:17–26; 13:27; 24:14; 26:22).

C.  Our goal is to restore the teachings of Jesus which are found in His word, but which have been buried by centuries of tradition.

II.  How do we do restoration?

A.  First we need an established and reliable authority (2 Chronicles 29:10–15; 2 Kings 23:3–8; Nehemiah 8:13–18).

B.  We will also need courage to challenge tradition when it stands contrary to God’s word (Matthew 15:1–9).

C.  We will need commitment to keep this work going (Galatians 6:9).


A.  The work of restoration is like that of the archaeologist who brushes aside years of debris to find what is valuable.

B.  Is a restoration in order in your life (Psalms 51:12)?

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