water baptism

Born Again

Introduction A. There is no way to know exactly what Nicodemus expected from this interview with Jesus, but one could safely deduce that he was shocked to learn that he himself needed to be born again! B. There are many to whom this news still comes as a shock today, and there are precious few who are willing to submit to it. I. Nicodemus didn’t realize that the need for rebirth is universal.A. The fact that the Gentiles needed to be...

Old Testament Lessons on New Testament Baptism

Introduction A. In spite of the teachings of the New Testament, there are still many who object to the doctrine that baptism is essential for salvation. B. Paul tells us that “whatever things were written before were written for our learning” (Romans 15:4), and we shall see that there is much that we can learn about NT baptism from familiar OT stories. I. We learn about baptism when we read of the flood (Genesis 6-7)...

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