
God’s Righteous Judgment

Introduction A. During the week before His crucifixion, Jesus spent a lot of time in the temple, where He had numerous confrontations with Jewish leaders and taught the people constantly (Matthew 26:55). B. When the disciples pointed out the buildings of the temple, Jesus prophesied that there would not be one stone left there upon another (Matthew 24:2). What had Israel done to warrant this? Discussion I. What did Israel do? A. Israel...

Just and Justifier

Introduction A. The third chapter of Romans probably comes closer than any other single chapter to summarizing Paul’s message. B. One of the most extraordinary points about God’s plan for redeeming man lies in His ability to justify sinners while maintaining His own justice at the same time. I. Man has a problem. A. Man’s problem is sin (1 John 3:4). B. “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). C. The problem...

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