
Failing to Live Up to It

Introduction A. Everyone knows the feeling of making a commitment and then failing to live up to it. Can you imagine how Peter felt after he forsook the Lord in the garden and then denied Him? B. When we fail to live up to the commitment that we have made to the Lord, what should we do? I. The disciples’ faith failed more than once. A. Their faith failed them on the Galilee Sea (Luke 8:22-25). B. Peter’s faith failed him on...

Jesus’ Commitment

Introduction A. Both in His life and in His death, Jesus showed a firm resolution and commitment to the mission He came to fulfill. B. Jesus’ commitment should stand as an inspiration for us to remain committed to our very last breath (1 Peter 2:20-25). I. Jesus’ commitment is evident in His planning. A. Jesus said that His suffering was His very purpose for coming into the world (John 12:27; Matthew 20:28). B. Jesus...

Counting the Cost of Following Jesus

Introduction A. The signing of the Declaration of Independence and the crossing of the Rubicon were both points of no return, moments when the parties involved committed their very lives to their cause. B. What did Jesus have to say about commitment to His cause? I. Instead of hiding the cost, Jesus urged everyone to count it. A. Jesus was always honest about the hardships that His disciples would have to endure (Luke...

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