Simon the Magician - Poisoned & Bound (PM)

Scripture Reading:  Acts 8:9-24


I.  The lesson recorded here is about someone who was considered by the people of Samaria as a great power of God. (Simon the Magician)

II.  Magic is defined as the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.

III.  Deceit, Lying, Power, Money, Bitterness, Slavery, Gospel Preaching, Salvation, and the laying of hands to give the gift of the Holy Spirit are all found herein.

IV.  The famous Simon the Magician becomes a Christian but soon finds himself once again with a heart that was not right with God.

V.  Why is this story in the Bible and what happened to Simon?


I.  Consider Simon’s Background (9-11)

A.  He comes to Christ from a long life of sin!

B.  He claimed himself to be someone great. (vs. 9)

C.  We all come to Christ from a life of sin. (Luke 5:32; Romans 3:23))

D.  Simon knew, more than anyone else, that he was a deceiver.

1.  He knew his tricks and we know ours.

II.  Simon was not content with his place in the church. (vs. 18-19)

A.  He saw something he wanted but didn’t have.

B.  God has designed the church with a role for all of us. (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)

C.  We can easily find ourselves in a state of discontent.

D.  Paul had learned contentment in life’s hardships. (Philippians 4:11)

III.  Simon had a misconception about the gift of God. (vs. 20)

A.  “…because you thought…” (vs. 20) (Isaiah 55:8-9; Jeremiah 10:23)

B.  Simon thought outside the will of God.

C.  Simon thought money was the answer.

1.  Money does not change everything.


Simon’s old self surfaced, produced discontentment and left him with a heart that Peter described as poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.

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