Reasons for Hope: The Incorruptible Inheritance of Salvation (PM)

1 Peter 1:3-12


1. Having seen that God is, can, and will, we turn our attention to what this ensures.

2. 1 Peter was written by an apostle of Christ who had suffered for the gospel to a group of Christians scattered abroad who would likewise suffer for the gospel.

3. The thrust of the book is faithfulness despite it, and the reason to do so is the hope laid up in heaven thanks to the resurrection of Jesus.


I. The Guarantee of Our Inheritance

A. The rebirth God gave us provides us with a living hope (vs. 3, 23; cf. John 3:3ff) centered in an incorruptible inheritance laid up in heaven (vs. 4).

B. The guarantee of the whole thing is the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 17:30-31).

II. The Permanence of Our Inheritance

A. All we currently know of an inheritance is temporary as all material things can be lost, stolen, destroyed, etc. at any time, and we are certain to leave it behind (1 Timothy 6:6-7).

B. As Christ’s resurrection is permanent (Romans 8:8-9), so is the inheritance it granted.

1. Incorruptible: imperishable, undying, not subject to decay (Mounce, Strong).

2. Undefiled: lacking any deformity, impurity, or impairment (Thayer)

3. Unfading: it will not break down over time as material things (Matthew 6:19ff)

4. Reserved through faith by the power of the God who can (Job 42:1-2).

III. The Immense Value of Our Inheritance

A. The outcome is the salvation of our souls (1:5, 9).

B. The assurance of this salvation produces tremendous value:

1. It is this which creates the stamina to endure hardship and refine faith (1:6-7)

2. The result of this is inexpressible joy (1:8, cf. Philippians 4:7).

3. So precious is this salvation the prophets and angels were eager to know (1:10-12).


1. What a joy to know that the God who is, can, and will has reserved such blessings.

2. Though we may lose every earthly thing, our eternal inheritance is certain.

3. All there is to do is never give up and press on in faithfulness to our faithful God.

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