Reasons for Hope: The God Who Is (PM)

Exodus 3:14; John 8:58; Hebrews 11:6


1. As we prepare to ponder the hope laid up in Christ, we begin with a brief survey of its foundation, the existence of God.

2. If we cannot reasonably uphold God’s existence, how can we reasonably defend a hope that depends on His promises?


I. Why It Matters

A. God validated Moses’ mission to lead Israel out of Egypt with an appeal to His being the Existing One (Exod. 3:14).

B. Jesus validated His ministry in the same way (John 8:58).

C. His existence is foundational to saving faith (Hebrews 11:6).

II. Dueling Theories

A. If we face dueling theories, we must choose the one with the greatest explanatory power.

B. Both evolution and creation demand supernatural beginnings, so which theory most consistently fits what we observe in nature?

III. Three Key Arguments God Exists

A. Though other good arguments exist, these three seem to offer the greatest evidence that the Almighty exists.

B. Cosmological argument: cause and effect (Hebrews 3:4).

1. Everything that begins to exist must have a cause that existed prior to itself and is sufficient to account for its existence.

2. The universe began to exist, so what could have caused it?

3. Evolution says that nothing exploded for no apparent reason and with no identifiable force and turned into everything.

4. Biblical creation says the eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing God created the universe out of things not seen (Hebrews 1:3).

5. Which is most consistent with the law of cause and effect?

C. Teleological argument: design demands a designer (Romans 1:19-20).

1. Atheists recognize the fact that evidence of design implies a mind that must have designed it.

2. Despite recognizing the “appearance of design” in the universe, they assert that pure chance caused all that is.

3. The Bible speaks of a God of order who created all things and ordered them in such a way to sustain life (Genesis 1; Psalms 19:1-6; 74:16-17; 136:7-8; Hebrews 1:3).

4. Which is most consistent with the laws of nature?

D. The moral argument: if God does not exist, objective morality does not exist either.

1. Atheist George Gaylord Simpson admitted that “…morals arise only in man” begging the question how and why they did.

2. Most humans agree that some things are objectively, really, truly, morally wrong (murder, rape, child abuse, theft, etc.).

3. For such to be true, there must be some fixed, objective standard of right and wrong transcendent of human ideas.

4. The Bible tells of a God who is the transcendent, inherently good, and holy, moral code giver (Isaiah 6:3).

5. Which best aligns with the notion of objective morals?


1. Many books have been written supporting these arguments.

2. This is just a primer intended to spark deeper interest.

3. Our young people need to know that the evolutionary dogma presented in our universities is not nearly as sure as presented.

4. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the God of the Bible truly exists and has revealed His will in the Bible.

5. This is the foundation of our every hope in Him.

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