Reasons for Hope: The God Who Can (PM)

Job 42:1-2


1. Last week we laid the foundation for our hope in making the case for God’s existence.

2. This week, we build on that foundation by examining His power to make good on the promises in which we hope.


I. Two Key Names

A. Almighty God or its equivalent occurs 58x in the Bible, 48 in the Old Testament and 10 in the New Testament.

B. Lord of hosts/Sabaoth (indicating one who leads armies to battle) occurs 259x in the Old Testament to describe the power of God.

II. The Declared Extent of His Might

A. Repeatedly we read that nothing is impossible for God (Genesis 18:14; Job 42:2; Isaiah 43:13; Jeremiah 32:17, 27; Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:34-37).

B. God can and will do all He determines despite all obstacles.

III. The Comfort

A. The declarations cited above are often used to comfort God’s people in difficulties and warn His enemies to who create difficulties.

1. He is with His people as a mighty fortress (Psalms 46:7, 11).

2. In the Messiah justice and righteousness prevail (Isaiah 9:7).

3. Oppression will cease (Isaiah 2:12; 14:24-27; Revelation 1:8; 11:17; 19:15).

B. That God is all powerful is not inherently comforting but knowing that the God who can is bent on helping His people is comforting.


1. Of 48 occurrences of “Almighty” in the OT, 31 are in Job, and of the 10 in the NT, 9 are in Revelation: God’s sovereignty assures us in sorrow.

2. In our next discussion, we plan to look at the God who will and discuss His benevolent intentions for fallen humanity.

3. For that to generate hope, we must first know that He is and is able.

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