Reasons for Hope: Series Introduction (PM)

1 Peter 1:3:15


1. This series seeks to accomplish two primary goals:

a. To increase hope in the believer leading to greater faithfulness.

b. To equip the believer to defend that hope before unbelievers.

2. The former is for edification, and the latter is for evangelization, both of which lead to God’s glorification.

3. Throughout, we will consider the reasons for and products of hope.


I. The Necessity of Defending Our Hope

A. Much of the world treats Christianity like a fairytale.

B. This idea has been reinforced by the deification of naturalistic science that has completely taken over the world of academia.

C. We must be ready to defend our hope (Philippians 1:7, 17; 1 Peter 3:15).

II. The Nature and Source of Our Hope

A. Peter described the Christian hope as a living hope (1 Peter 1:3) as the source of that hope is the resurrection (Acts 2:22-32; Romans 1:4).

B. Our aim will be to defend this historical reality and its blessings.

III. The Power of Our Hope

A. We will ponder three key texts demonstrating the power of hope.

B. 1 Peter 3:13-17 enjoins fearlessly upholding the gospel by:

1. Holding God in the heart’s center.

2. Being ready and able to defend the evidence to support the gospel.

C. Paul spoke of hope’s power to generate perseverance (Romans 8:18-25).

D. John spoke of hope prompting us to pursue moral purity (1 John 3:1-3).


1. Hope is one of the most powerful forces in human existence.

2. With it, we are enabled to suffer fearlessly for righteousness while we continually seek the purity of heart inherent to the gospel call.

3. We must know the reasons for our hope if we are to finish our course.

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