Prodigal Son (PM)

By:  Dennis Pierce

Scripture Reading:  Luke 15:11-32


1.  The condition of being “lost” is described in many ways in the Bible:  blind, 2 Corinthians 4:3-4; children of disobedience, Ephesians 2:2; condemned, John 3:18; dead in trespasses and sins, Ephesians 2:1;  hopeless, Ephesians 2:12; those that perish, 2 Thessalonians 2:10;

2.  Jesus came to seek and save the lost.  Luke 19:10

3.  Things that are lost is the context of Luke 15. The lost sheep, lost coin and lost son are parables directed toward two groups.


I.  Sin destroys life. 15:11-16

A.  It begins with self-interest. (“give me”) vs 12, 2 Timothy 3:2; 2 Peter 2:10; Acts 7:51

B.  It is hasty in decision. (“not many days after”) vs 13

C.  It operates best in the dark. (“far country”) vs 13

D.  It leads to destruction. ( “in want” ) vs 14

II.  There is a way home. 15:17-21

A.  The way back involves sensibility. (“came to himself”) vs 17

B.  The way back involves repentance. (“I will arise”) vs 18

C.  The way back involves confession. (“I have sinned”) vs 18

D.  The way back involves humility. (“no more worthy”) vs 19

III.  There is a loving Father waiting. 15:20-24

A.  He sees you from a distance. (“his father saw him”) vs 20

B.  He loves you.  (“he had compassion”) vs 20

C.  He is eager for your return. (“he ran”) vs 20

D.  He will give you the very best and rejoice. vs 22

IV.  There may be opposition.

A.  The elder brother was angry .  vs 28

B.  Some may not want anything to do with you. vs28

C.  Remember they also have a self-centered problem.  vs 29

D.  The loving Father will also help them. vs 31-32


No one is so lost that God can’t save him. You can always come home.

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