Penitent Prayer (AM)

Scripture Reading:  James 5:15–16


A.  Last week we discussed the great power which can be tapped when faithful men and women remember to pray.

B.  For the child of God, perhaps the greatest advantage in prayer is the ability that it gives us to receive God’s forgiveness and assistance when we stumble and fall along the way.


I.  God promised that He would always forgive the penitent sinner.

A.  He called for repentance in the law that He gave at Mount Sinai (Leviticus 5:5–10; 16:21; 26:40–42).

B.  He would forgive all those who would turn toward Jerusalem and pray (1 Kings 8:44–52; 2 Chronicles 7:14–15; Daniel 6:10).

C.  He was willing to forgive no matter how far they had gone away from Him (Judges 10–11; 2 Chronicles 33:1–13).

D.  He still waits and wants to forgive His children (2 Peter 3:9; 1 John 1:9; James 5:16–20).

II.  When we have sinned, how should we approach God?

A.  We must never be too ashamed or afraid to go to Him and ask for forgiveness (Matthew 18:22; Luke 17:4).

B.  We must approach Him in humility (Job 42:6).

C.  We need to be open and honest about what we have done (Psalms 32:5; cf. 69:5; Isaiah 29:15; Jeremiah 23:23–24; Hebrews 4:12–13).

D.  Go to Him with a broken heart (Psalms 51:10–17).


A.  If you are struggling with sin, humble yourself in prayer before Him, and He will certainly lift you up (1 Peter 5:5–7; James 4:6–10).

B.  What are you struggling with? Make a list, and take it to God.

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