Noah and the Flood (AM)

Scripture Reading:  Hebrews 11:7


A.  Although the historicity of the flood story has so often been called into question, it continues to stand up to scrutiny, at least in the minds of inspired men (1 Peter 3:20; Matthew 24:37–38).

B.  Is there anything new that we can learn from Moses’ account of the flood of Noah’s day?


I.  The flood teaches us about what God really wants.

A.  God wants to save, not to destroy (1 Peter 3:20; Genesis 9:1; cf. John 3:17; Luke 9:56; 2 Peter 3:9).

B.  God wants us to do something in the process of salvation (Hebrews 11:7).

C.  God wants faithfulness (Genesis 6:9; 7:1; 15:6; Romans 4:23–24), not sinless perfection.

II.  The greatest work in this story is God’s.

A.  As impressive as Noah’s work was, it was nothing by comparison with God’s.

B.  God has delivered others in similar fashion and continues to do so today in His church (Ephesians 5:23).

C.  God doesn’t have to confer with man before He administers judgement (Genesis 7:16; Matthew 7:13–14).


A.  Will you respond to God in faith as Noah did, or will you ignore His pleas until the door is forever shut?

B.  God wants to save you and can save you, but you have to consent to walk with Him and to do all that He commands.

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