Learning to Serve (AM)

Scripture Reading:  Mark 10:42–45


A.  When we see Jesus teaching the disciples to serve, we might wonder why He would send this pitiful band to perform such important tasks.

B.  If Jesus could make servants out of them, He can use anyone.


I.  The disciples needed to learn to face the world on their own.

A.  The time was coming when Jesus would not be physically with them (Mark 8:31).

B.  They needed to learn how to deal with the storms without Jesus right beside them (Mark 6:45–52).

C.  We need to prepare the next generation to serve.

II.  To be good servants, we don’t need as much as we might think.

A.  As Christians it is easy to become discouraged or to feel overwhelmed (Mark 6:30–33, 37, 53–56).

B.  Jesus sent them out on the limited commission with only the bare necessities (vv 7–9).

C.  He asked them to feed a multitude with meager rations and limited resources (vv 34–40).

D.  We ought to know that no act of service is too small (Matthew 10:40–42).

III.  What Jesus gave them more than made up for what they lacked.

A.  He gave them the gospel (Mark 6:12; 16:15–16).

B.  He gave them the power (Mark 6:13; 16:17–18).

C.  He gave them the reassurance that He would always be with them (Matthew 28:20; Philippians 4:12–13).

D.  He gave them a reason to rejoice (Luke 10:18–20).


A.  Even when our task may seem impossible and our resources are few, we can still succeed with the Lord on our side.

B.  Let us also remember to teach others to serve when we can.

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