Keeping the Christ in Christian: Meekness (AM)

Matthew 11:28-30


1. So many of Christ’s traits (obedience, forgiveness, empathy, self-sacrifice, etc.,) will be very challenging for us to truly emulate in our lives.

2. That difficulty does not absolve us from the responsibility to do so.

3. For this, meekness is our first order of business if we will become “little Christs.”


I. Key Definitions

A. Meek: of people, “gentle, mild” (Thayer); of animals “tame” (TDNT)

B. Lowly: “humble, of low degree” (Strong); “deferring servilely” (Thayer)

C. Yoke: lit. “a coupling” (Strong); fig. “of service or obligation” (Mounce)

D. In His meekness and lowliness, He took the yoke of service (Matthew 20:28).

II. Amazing Demonstrations

A. The eternal Word who is God, and the creator of all things took on the fragility and vulnerability of humanity (John 1:1-3, 14; Philippians 2:6-8; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 2:9-15).

B. In His ministry, He forfeited His security and comfort (Matthew 8:19-20; Luke 9:57-58).

C. He accepted scorn for ministering to society’s rejects (Matthew 9:9-13; Luke 7:36-50).

D. He humbled Himself beneath the lowliest of servants (John 13:1-12).

E. He yielded His life to redeem humanity, even those who murdered Him (Isaiah 53:11-12; Matthew 20:28; 26:36-54; Luke 23:34; Romans 5:6-11; Philippians 2:6-8; Hebrews 2:14).

III. Taking on His Yoke

A. Jesus promised rest to the soul who willingly takes His yoke (Matthew 11:28-30).

B. This includes the meekness and lowliness He embodied (cf. Matthew 5:3-5; Galatians 5:23).

C. It demands yielding our security as He did (Matthew 10:16-25; Luke 9:23-26, 59-62).

D. It requires accepting scorn as did our Master (Matthew 5:10-12; John 15:18-21).

E. It calls for humble servitude (Matthew 20:25-28; John 13:12-17).

F. It even demands willingness to die for the cause (Matthew 10:28; Luke 21:16; Revelation 2:10).


1. Those in the world who treat Christianity as a crutch for the weak are sorely mistaken.

2. Christ’s yoke is one of complete submission, meekly yielding to His will.

3. It is the reward for such that makes His yoke easy and His burden light.

Further Food for Thought

1. Which part of the description above gives you the most difficulty?

2. What steps do you suppose would be most conducive to overcoming that difficulty?

3. Apart from giving His life, which act of meekness most amazes you about Jesus?

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