Greater than Our Hearts (PM)

Scripture Reading:  1 John 3:16–23


A.  Do you know that you are saved? If you were to meet your God tonight to be judged, would you be going home with Jesus?

B.  Is it arrogant to say that you know you are saved? And if you don’t know, does it necessarily mean that you are lost?


I.  Men have often been surprised by God’s judgment.

A.  God has often appointed people for important works that no man would ever have chosen (1 Samuel 16:6–7).

B.  God has often selected people who felt unworthy of their calling (Exodus 3–4; Isaiah 6:5; Jeremiah 1:6; Luke 5:8).

C.  Some were often surprised by Jesus’ evaluation of people (Luke 7:39; 19:1–10; 21:1–4).

D.  Do you think you might be surprised to know exactly what the Lord thinks of you (Matthew 25:34–46)?

II.  Can we be saved even if our hearts condemn us?

A.  We know that we can be lost even if our hearts condone us (Matthew 25:37–39; 7:21; John 16:2; Acts 26:9).

B.  John assures us that God is greater than our hearts and that He knows all things (1 John 3:18–20; cf. John 21:15–17).

C.  If your heart condemns you, follow the example of obedience and love that Jesus set for us (1 John 3:4–15).


A.  Are you seeking to do the Father’s will or your own?

B.  Instead of listening to your hearts, teach your heart to trust in the Lord and to lean on His understanding (Proverbs 3:5–6).

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