Dealing with Conflict (PM)

Scripture Reading:  Acts 15:1–8


A.  In this portion of Luke’s narrative of the early church, we see the first serious threat to the unity and harmony that have characterized the church since its beginnings in Jerusalem.

B.  In the absence of living apostles, how is the church to handle conflict when it arises in the modern day?


I.  When there is conflict, leadership is vitally important.

A.  When leadership is absent, it is nearly impossible for any organization to survive very long (Matthew 9:36; Acts 20:28).

B.  The church in Jerusalem was blessed with great leaders (Luke 22:32; Acts 15:32).

C.  God’s pattern for leadership still works (Titus 1:9).

II.  When there is conflict, the Scriptures must be heard.

A.  In this early conflict, the Scriptures were given the final say (Acts 15:7–21).

B.  The Scriptures constituted the final court of appeal as far as Jesus was concerned (Matthew 22:29–33; 19:3–9, 16–22).

C.  In matters of faith, the Scriptures must be allowed to make all of our decisions (1 Peter 4:11).


A.  When there is conflict, there must also be humility and love if that conflict is to be resolved peacefully.

B.  If we are to enjoy peace and unity in the church and in our homes, we need leadership both today and tomorrow.

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