Cleansing the Leper

by Roby Ellis


A. Although it is easily curable today, leprosy is a disease that adversely affects skin and nerve tissue, resulting in permanent disabilities.

B. While leprosy has been virtually eliminated in the modern world, there is another plague that is silently killing millions every year.

C. The cure for this disease is also available, but few will seek it.

I. God gave Israel specific laws regarding leprosy.

A. First, God gave detailed diagnostic tools (Leviticus 13).

B. He told them how to deal with the diseased (Leviticus 13:45-46).

C. God also gave instructions regarding the cleansing of a man or woman who was fortunate enough to recover (Leviticus 14:1-32).

II. We read in the Scriptures of a few lepers who were cleansed.

A. Naaman’s leprosy was given to Gehazi (2 Kings 5:25-27).

B. God struck Miriam with leprosy for speaking against Moses (Numbers 12), but others suffered naturally from the disease.

C. Jesus healed many lepers (Matthew 11:4-6; Luke 17:11-14).

D. If a leper had opportunity to be cleansed, he would have been foolish indeed not to take advantage of such an opportunity!

III. Although leprosy has nearly been eliminated, the plague of sin continues to infect and kill millions every year.

A. Every accountable person has been infected (Romans 3:23).

B. A cure is available, and it’s free to all (Romans 5:15-16).

C. Your cleansing does, however, require something of you!


A. Your faith can make you whole (Luke 17:19; Mark 2:5).

B. Only the Lamb of God “can change the leper’s spots and melt the heart of stone!”

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