Please click the links below for Sunday AM & PM sermons and supplements.
6/20/21 AM: Todd Houston - Conflict Resolution (Outline)
6/13/21: Todd Houston, AM - Wisdom from Above/PM - Forgiven to Forgive (Outlines)
6/6/21 PM: Dennis Pierce - Who is a Christian?
6/6/21 AM: Todd Houston - Taming the Tongue (Outline)
5/30/21: Todd Houston, AM - Faith that Doesn’t Work Doesn’t Work/PM - 11th Hour Workers (Outlines)
5/23/21 PM: Dennis Pierce - Facing the Truth
5/23/21 AM: Todd Houston - Equal in His Eyes: The Sin of Favoritism (Outline)
5/16/21: Todd Houston, AM - Hearing and Doing/PM - Hidden Treasure and Costly Pearls (Outlines)
Gospel Meeting - Dan Bailey - 5/9/21 - 5/13/21
5/2/21 AM - Swift to Hear, Slow to Speak, Slow to Anger/PM Mustard Seed and Leaven (Outlines)
4/25/21 PM: Dennis Pierce - Words of Salvation (Part 2)
4/25/21 AM: Todd Houston - Overcoming Temptation (Outline)
4/18/21 PM: Dennis Pierce - Words of Salvation (Part 1) [Outline]
4/18/21 AM: Todd Houston - Humbled and Exalted (Outline)
4/11/21: Todd Houston, AM - Superficial or Super-Faithful/PM - Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Outlines)
4/4/21 AM: Todd Houston - He Has Risen (Outline only)
3/28/21: Todd Houston, AM - Let This Mind Be In You/PM - Parable of the Soils (Outline only)
3/21/21 PM: Dennis Pierce, Balance (Outline only)
3/21/21 AM: Todd Houston, Do You Love Me? (Outline only)